Post – accreditation Monitoring
Published: 17 April 2017
Post-accreditation monitoring (PAM) is an integral component and an important stage of institutional and specialized accreditation of an educational organization and must be strictly carried out by an accredited educational organization during the validity period of the accreditation certificate.
The PAM procedure is carried out in accordance with the Regulation.
The terms of the PAM are included in the contract for the accreditation of an educational organization or educational programme.

IMPORTANT! The Eurasian Center for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) conducts PAM without concluding additional agreements with the educational organization during the entire period of validity of the certificate of institutional accreditation.
The coordination of the PAM is carried out by the corresponding ECAQA division - the Accreditation and Monitoring Department.
- Monitoring of the implementation by the educational organization of the recommendations of the EEC in accordance with the standards of institutional and/or specialized ECAQA accreditation and preparation of an analytical report.
- study of the impact of accreditation results on the quality of educational and other key activities in the organization of education.
Post-accreditation monitoring includes:
- Development and provision by the educational organization in the ECAQA of an action plan for improvement based on the recommendations of the EEC for the period of validity of the accreditation certificate. The plan is provided within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the educational organization receives a positive decision on accreditation (download the plan form here)
- Timely submission of annual reports on the implementation of the improvement plan based on the recommendation of the EEC with appropriate documentary evidence of implementation (high-quality copies and/or electronic versions of documents). The report is sent to the accreditation body without additional notifications or official requests from its side, while the approximate date of submission of the next report is the calendar date of issuance of the accreditation certificate (download the report form here)
Post-accreditation monitoring is carried out:
- with full accreditation for a period of 5 (five) years - once every two years.
- for accreditation for a period of 3 (three) years (according to the Accreditation Standards for organizations implementing additional and non-formal education programmes and for the accreditation of new educational programmes) - 1 year after the decision of the ECAQA Accreditation Council.
- According to the decision of the ECAQA, the PAM can be carried out both with a visit to an educational organization and without a visit.
Additional conditions:
- The accreditation body has the right to suspend the validity of the certificate of accreditation if the educational organization violates the requirements of the PAM. At the same time, the decision to suspend the validity of the certificate of institutional and /or specialized accreditation is taken for the period until the elimination of violations of the requirements of the PAM.
- The educational organization must inform the accreditation body of any significant changes in the scope of its activities, including changes in management and educational programmes that occurred during the period of PAM.