Published: 10 May 2017
The Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) is a non–governmental, non-profit organization for ensuring the quality of education and professional training of college graduates, organizations of higher and postgraduate education and organizations of CPD education.
ECAQA has the status of a recognized accreditation body and is included in the Register - 1 based on the decision of the Republican Accreditation Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 14.03.2028 (Minutes № 2 from 14.03.2023). https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/en/accreditation/accredited_organizations
The Register - 1 includes recognized accreditation bodies for a period of 5 years in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 1, 2016 No. 629 "On approval of the Rules for recognition of accreditation bodies, including foreign ones, and the formation of the register of recognized accreditation bodies, accredited educational organizations and educational programmes" and is posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/ru/accreditation/accredited_organizations (item 8).
ECAQA has an independent status and bears autonomous responsibility for its actions, and no third parties (educational organizations, government agencies, ministries and other interested parties) can influence the conclusions and recommendations contained in the reports of external expert commissions and decisions of the Accreditation Council for Accreditation of Educational and Scientific Organizations and their educational programmes.
ECAQA is the owner of exclusive copyrights to the standards of institutional and specialized accreditation for all levels of education, which are registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Certificates of state registration of rights to copyright objects dated November 20, 2017, November 28, 2017, June 15, 2018).
Since 2019, ECAQA has been included in the Directory of Organizations that Accredit DORA Medical Schools (Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools https://www.faimer.org/resources/dora/kazakhstan.html) Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) USA, as well as the International Directory of the International Quality Group of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation International Quality Group (CHEA/CIQG) International Directory) http://www.ecaqa.org/mezhdunarodnaya-deyatelnost/chlenstvo-v-mezhdunarodnykh-setyakh/406-chea-2
In 2019, ECAQA received international recognition and was included in the Asia-Pacific Register for Quality Assurance of Education (APQR). The ECAQA external evaluation was conducted for compliance with 11 Chiba Principles and the requirements of the Asia-Pacific Quality Assurance Network (APQN). https://www.apqr.co/register/view-as-a-list/eurasian-centre-for-accreditation-and-quality-assurance-in-higher-education-and-health-care-ecaqa
ECAQA is dynamically developing and implementing the best foreign practices in the field of quality assurance of education and accreditation procedures in its activities, maintaining the status of a full member of the:
- European Association for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ENQA) https://www.enqa.eu/membership-database/ecaqa-eurasian-сentre-for-accreditation-and-quality-assurance-in-higher-education-and-health-care/
- International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), https://www.inqaahe.org/full-members-list?page=3
- Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA), https://www.ceenqa.org/ members/full-members/kazakhstan
- Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), https://www.apqn. org/members/directory, https://www.apqn.org/aqpn-members/list /alpha/e
- The International Quality Group of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) https://www.chea.org/search?search_api_fulltext=ECAQA, https://www.chea.org/ciqg-membership-list, https://www.chea.org/chea-ciqg-memorandum-of-affiliation

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Official letter no. 04/1-07/2074 of April 6, 2020 from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova grants the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) the right to accredit medical educational organizations and educational programmes in the Republic of Moldova. |
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Official letter ref. no. 01-187 (Annex 1) of April 15, 2022 from the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education Under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is a special authorized body of state administration and implementation of state policy in education quality control, grants the ECAQA the authority to conduct international accreditation of the medical education programmes of educational institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
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Official letter no. 06/94-1 of April 26, 2022 from the Agency for Supervision in the Field of Education and Science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan gave their consent to the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) to conducting accreditation of educational institutions and educational programmes of the Republic of Tajikistan by ECAQA. |
ECAQA has signed and is implementing 16 memoranda with international accreditation agencies, associations and educational organizations (http://www.ecaqa.org/partner):
- Higher Education Accreditation Council/International Group on Education Quality, USA (CHEA/CIQG) since 2017 https://www.chea.org/chea-ciqg-memorandum-of-affiliation
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council/NAAC, Republic of India, from 06.03.2018 http://www.naac.gov.in/about-us/collaborations
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland, from 15.05.2018
- Quality Assurance Fund of the National Centre for Vocational Education (ANQA), Republic of Armenia, 10.03.2019 http://www.anqa.am/en/search /?term=ECAQA, http://www.anqa.am/en/news-events/news/armenia-and-kazakhstan-will-cooperate-in-the-field-of-medical-education-quality-assurance/
- National Centre for Professional and Public Accreditation (NCPA), Russian Federation, from 9.04.2019 https://ncpa.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id= 118&Itemid=382&lang=ru
- Certification Association "Russian Register" (Russian Register), Russian Federation, since 11.06.2019 https://rusregister.ru/news/russian-register-and-eurasian-accreditation-center-signed-memorandum-of-cooperation/
- Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE), Germany, since 02.10.2019 http://www.amse-med.eu/2019/10/17 /ecaqa-and-amse-sign-a-memorandum-of-understanding-mou/
- The European Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA), Germany, from 16.10.2019. https://eqaa.eu/ru/about/agency/
- Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programmes and Organizations (AAOPO), Kyrgyz Republic, since 02.11.2019http://www.aaopo.kg/index. php?option
- By the National Accreditation Centre (Hungarian Accreditation Committee - HAC), Hungary, from 15.11.2019. https://www.mab.hu/en
- The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), Republic of Moldova, since 03/17/2020 https://www.anacec.md/
- The Association of Medical Societies for Quality (ASMOC), the Russian Federation, which unites 26 medical communities in clinical specialties, since 17.11.2020. https://asmok.ru/
- AppliedHE Pte Ltd Singapore, 30.11.2020 https://appliedhe.com/
- State organization "Centre for testing professional competence of specialists with higher education in the areas of training "Medicine" and "Pharmacy" under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", 12/24/2020
- · Quality Assurance Strategic Planning and Institutional Research International - QASPIR, December 2021 https://qaspir.com/
- Agreement on cooperation with the State Inspectorate for Quality Supervision of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No. 01-187 of 05.04.2020).
ECAQA carries out activities at the national/regional level on the implementation of international standards for ensuring the quality of education and conducting institutional and specialized (programme) accreditation of educational organizations both in the Republic of Kazakhstan and outside the country, in accordance with the recognition of ECAQA by authorized bodies of other states.
ECAQA, through the accreditation process, promotes the development of the education quality assurance system at the national and regional level by introducing international principles of best practice in quality assurance and external evaluation of educational organizations, as well as conducting research in the field of education.
Accreditation standards, procedures and the accreditation status awarded by the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care is international.
When conducting accreditation of higher and postgraduate educational institutions, colleges, ECAQA applies Accreditation Standards developed on the basis of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
When conducting institutional and specialized accreditation of Health Care education organizations (colleges, universities, national centers, research centers, academies, institutes), including MBA, Joint Degree Programme and distance programmes, ECAQA applies Accreditation Standards developed on the basis of International Standards of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) to improve the quality of basic, postgraduate medical education and continuous professional development of doctors (2015, 2016, 2020).
The accreditation of PhD doctoral programmes is carried out for compliance with ECAQA Standards developed on the basis of recognized international standards of the WFME, the Organization for PhD Programmes in Biomedicine and Clinical Medicine in the European System (ORPHEUS) and the Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).
ECAQA conducts accreditation of training and simulation centers. The accreditation standards of training and simulation centers were developed based on the requirements of the European Society for Simulation Applied to Medicine (Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine/SESAM), Denmark and implemented in order to guarantee quality and implement the principles of best international practice and achievements in the field of simulation technologies, to promote development.
- Voluntariness/Freedom – the accreditation is voluntary process and accrediting agency recognizes the freedom and autonomy of the Higher Education Institutions and their educational programmes.
- Responsibility –the accreditation process clear defines the responsibility of both accrediting agency and higher education institution; accrediting agency has strong relationship with main stakeholders: the Public, Higher Education Institutions, Students, the Professions, Professional Organizations, Government; provides the Standards and Guidelines, appropriate resources of innovation and training reviewers/experts.
- Transparency – internal and external evaluation are carried out fairly and transparently providing access to relevant information regarding the accreditation process and procedures, accreditation standards, guidelines for self-study, guidelines for external evaluation that are available for all stakeholders.
- Independence - external evaluation, decision making process based on the published standards and procedures taking into consideration the outcomes both the institutional self-study and external review, the reliable information and data, accrediting agency is independent of the third parties.
- Confidentiality – institutional self-study report’ information and other information provided by HEIs and data gained in external review are confidential.
- Efficiency – external evaluation focus on content and outcomes that allowed improving internal quality assurance mechanisms, support the development of a quality culture and ensure the link between internal and external quality assurance.
- Public information- the decisions on accreditation must be announced and made public, publication of the reports providing the basis for the decisions, or a summary of the reports, should also be considered and posted on the accrediting agency’s web-site.
ECAQA ensures the achievement of competitiveness of graduates, accredited educational and scientific organizations, through:
- Compliance of ECAQA with the Best Practice Guidelines of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (the INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice/GGP);
- Recognition of ECAQA by the World Federation of Medical Education;
- International recognition by the European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA) and inclusion in the European Register for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (EQAR);
- Creation of a transparent and reliable national/regional education quality assurance system based on the WHO/WFMO Guidelines on Accreditation of Basic Medical Education;
- Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) and the WFME International Standards for Improving the quality of Basic and Postgraduate, Continuing Medical Education at the regional level;
- effective interaction and involvement of all stakeholders (government agencies, society, academic and scientific community, professional associations, student organizations, non-governmental organizations) in the process of accreditation and improvement of the quality of training of graduates of educational organizations;
- development of the potential of accreditation experts based on a competency-based approach;
- effective strategic partnership with leading international quality networks and foreign accreditation agencies;
- participation in events and projects of international associations and European networks to ensure the quality of education;
- advisory and methodological support and capacity development of teachers and staff of centers/departments for accreditation of educational and scientific organizations;
- Inclusion of accredited medical educational organizations and their educational programmes (basic medical education) in the WHO/WFMO World Directory and the Foundation for the Promotion of International Medical Education and Research of the USA (FAIMER);
- Meeting the requirements of the "Commission on Education for Graduates of Foreign Medical Schools of the USA" (The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates/ECFMG) for the accreditation of educational programmes of foreign medical schools and their graduates by 2024.
Kaz. http://ecaqa.org/kz/akkreditteu/bilim-beru-jymyna-akkreditteudi-tkizuge-s-ranym http://ecaqa.org/akkreditatsiya/zayavka-na-provedenie-akkreditatsii-organizatsii-obrazovaniya
Russ.: http://ecaqa.org/akkreditatsiya/zayavka-na-provedenie-akkreditatsii-organizatsii-obrazovaniya
Engl.: http://ecaqa.org/en/application-form-for-accreditation
Phone: +77013291665, +7777 2893249
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