ECAQA Partners
Published: 30 March 2020

In March 2020, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between The Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Education and Healthcare (ECAQA), Republic of Kazakhstan, and The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), Republic of Moldova.
The areas of Understanding include:1. Exchange of experience in external evaluation and accreditation of educational organisations and educational programmes;
2. Nomination of accreditation experts for the External Evaluation Commissions on accreditation;
3. Joint activities on the quality assurance of education and accreditation;
4. Preparation of joint publications on accreditation in education;
5. Participation in events, which are organised by the partner.
The ANACEC is an administrative authority that is subordinate to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova.
The ACACEC’s mission is to implement the state policy on quality assurance of all levels of education and research, which is focused on the best international practices and quality standards contributing to greater economic competitiveness and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova.
The aim of ANACEC is to ensure an integrated, reliable, objective and transparent system of external evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions and educational programmes, external evaluation of organizations in the field of research and innovation, evaluation of scientific and scientific-didactic staff, control of the quality of all levels of education, including vocational education, higher and continuing education in the Republic of Moldova.
MoU ECAQA & ANACEC Moldova18.03.2020