ECAQA Partners
Published: 21 November 2019

On October 2, 2019, The Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC)/Magyar Felsőoktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság (MAB), Hungary. The Memorandum was signed by the Director General Prof. Saule Sarsenbayeva on behalf of the ECAQA and by the President Prof. Valéria Csépe on behalf of the HAC.
The HAC is a national-level, independent body of experts tasked with the external evaluation of the quality of educational and related research activities and the internal quality assurance (QA) systems of higher education institutions in Hungary. It operates within the scope of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
HAC was established in 1993 and has been an ENQA member since 2000. HAC is a full member of CEENQA and is included in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
MoU ECAQA & MAB (HAC) Hungary