В Мадриде проходит традиционный съезд Международной федерации стоматологов
In 2017, FDI returns to Spain to hold its World Dental Congress (WDC).
Команда карагандинского государственного медицинского университета стала победителем в номинации
«Лучшее обучение с использованием симуляций»
Congratulations to Karaganda State Medical University for ASPIRE award in simulation!
The ASPIRE-to-Excellence programme is a flagship AMEE initiative, which has the potential of promoting teaching alongside research as a measure of excellence in a medical, dental or veterinary school.
The ASPIRE initiative meets the needs for a form of quality assurance that goes beyond accreditation, which recognises excellence that rightly falls outside the formal accreditation process and is the remit of professional educational bodies. The initiative allows medical, dental and veterinary schools to be recognised internationally for their excellence in medical education, in the first instance, in four spheres of activity:
- Assessment of students
- Student engagement in the curriculum
- Social accountability of the school
- Faculty Development
- Simulation
АЕО ҚР БҒМ бұйрығының негізінде мойындалған аккредиттеуші органдардың тізіліміне кірген және мойындалған аккредиттеуші орган мәртебесіне...