In accordance with order No. 595 “On approval of the Standard Rules for the activities of educational organizations of the respective types” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MoES!ut/p/b0/04) dated 10/30/2018 continuing professional development of health professions is held at the expense of education institution which has undertaken institutional accreditation in accreditation bodies included in the Register 1 of recognized accreditation bodies of the MoES RK (hereinafter Register 1),

In accordance with order No. ҚР DSM-303/2020, par. 3 “On approval of rules for CPD training of health professions, qualification requirements for CPD organisations in a healthcare of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 (with amendments dated 26.05.2021)

CPD training is carried out by higher and/or postgraduate education institutions, National research centres, research institutes, accredited clinical sites of higher nursing colleges, clinical sites of health professions education institutions, university hospitals that conduct CPD training that undergone institutional accreditation by the accreditation body included in the Register of recognized accreditation bodies (par. 6, article 221 of the Code),

Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) is included in the Register #1 of the MoES RK and conducts institutional accreditation in accordance with the Standards for Institutional accreditation of CPD organisations (Certificate of state registration for copyright No. 2773 dated 20.11.2017).

Standards are based on the World Federation for Medical Education International Quality Assurance Standards for CPD (2015) and correlated with institutional and national requirements of healthcare in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Accreditation is conducted at the expense of education institutions in accordance with Law on “Education” № 319-III, article 9-1 of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 (with amendments in 28.08.2021).

The results of accreditation are published on the website of the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility of the MoES RK.

Procedure of an institutional accreditation



Time frame

Submission of an application form and brief information by the CPD provider (hereinafter applicant organisation). The application form is provided below;


Admission to institutional accreditation by ECAQA, if the applicant organization meets the requirements for CPD provider (see below);


Training of the applicant organization’s staff, and experts consultancy on accreditation procedure and with Standards for institutional accreditation;


Provision of applicant organisation with Standards for institutional accreditation and Guidelines for institutional self-evaluation;


Conducting institutional self-evaluation, preparation of self-assessment report with submitting documents;

+2 - +5

Preparation of External Evaluation Commission (EEC) for a site-visit;

+5 - +6

EEC site-visit at the applicant organisation (2-3 days) and preparation of final report, recommendations for improvement and recommendations for ECAQA Accreditation Council;


Decision of the Accreditation Council on accreditation of applicant organisation for a certain period in accordance with the Standards for Institutional accreditation;


Public announcement the decision on accreditation (sending an informational letter to the applicant organisation, MoES RK posting on the ECAQA website “Register of accredited CPD organisations”);


Post-accreditation monitoring including the development of an Action plan for improvement that is based on the EEC report and annual submission of reports to the ECAQA;

During the accreditation period

Re-accreditation is conducted upon expiry of the institutional accreditation period. The applicant organization must initiate the re-accreditation process at least 1 year before the end of the accreditation period (see Step 1).

QUIREMENTS of the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) for Continuing Professional Development organisations to undergo institutional accreditation

When applying for institutional accreditation, the applicant organization must:

  • Complete the requirements of № ҚР ДСМ-303/2020 Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020;
  • Obtain a state registration that gives the right to conduct educational activities (availability of a certificate of registration at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registered at Corporate Charter);
  • Define and follow the mission and strategic goals of the CPD organization;
  • Implement CPD training for at least 2 years in compliance with the developed and approved strategic development plan;
  • Information about a database of trainees for CPD training and full-time faculty members;
  • Have a website of the educational institution in Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​and place its mission, strategic goals, plans, schedule and work outcomes in the main areas of activity, a list of educational services, achievements, regularly updated information;
  • Information about students and graduating students according to the declared accreditation of the educational programme;

Application form

To the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care

Please, send us a Commercial Offer and a draft Contract for institutional accreditation.

Name of organisation and form of ownership (LLP, JSC, etc.)

Note: an organization registered as a “sole proprietor” is not accepted for consideration

Full name of the Head of the organisation

Information about the state license for educational activities (date, No.) registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Copy of the license

Business address (index, city, street, house, № office)

Actual address (index, city, street, house, № office)


The period of educational activities, year of start

Information about previous accreditation (if any)

A scanned colour copy

Availability of own premises / rental premises with an indication of the Agreement

Total area of premises (m2)

The number of clinical sites and (or) industrial base, and concluded agreements

The number of CPD programmes

The number of agreements with international partnership organisations

The number of staff

The number of faculty: full-time/ part-time

The number of certified trainers

The number of foreign faculty

The number of trainees since the beginning of the organization’s activity

The number of trainees per year of application for accreditation

Bank account

BIN of organisation:

Bank «___________________________»



Beneficiary Code

Phone (country/city code) _____________________ e-mail:

Information about previous institutional accreditation (if any), indicating the date, period of validity of the certificate

The contact person

Full name, position, work and mobile phone, e-mail

The accountant

Full name, work and mobile phone, e-mail

Full name and signature of the Head (Rector, Vice-rector) of the educational institution or a designated person supervising accreditation issues Please apply your stamp here date “____” ____________ 20

Application for CPD accreditation [Download file]

Note! The application is provided on the letterhead of the educational institution with an outgoing number and date. Please send the signed and sealed application with all information boxes filled to the ECAQA address (050029, Almaty, Maulenov str., 92, 3rd floor) and the scanned form to email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact number + 7 747 5609212, +77013291665

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