

Евразийский Центр Аккредитации и обеспечения качества образования и здравоохранения (ЕЦА) 5-6 октября 2018 года в г.Астана проводит обучающий семинар тему «Аккредитация медицинского образования: международный и национальный контекст и перспективы» для экспертов ЕЦА и сотрудников университетов и научных центров.

Спикером семинара является Профессор Женевьев Монэ, Президент и Главный исполнительный директор Ассоциации факультетов медицины Канады, Главный Советник Всемирной Федерации Медицинского образования, Член Королевского колледжа врачей КанадыМесто проведения: Национальный научный центр материнства и детства Корпоративного Фонда «University Medical Center» Назарбаев Университета (г. Астана, проспект Туран, 32, конференц-зал).

The Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) will hold a training workshop on "Accreditation of Medical Education: International and National Context and Prospects" on 5-6 October 2018 in Astana for the ECAQA experts, staff of universities and scientific centers. The speaker of the workshop is Prof. Geneviève Moineau, President and CEO of the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), Senior Adviser of the World Federation for Medical Education, Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

The workshop venue: the National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health of the Corporate Fund “University Medical Center” of Nazarbayev University (the conference hall, 32 Turan ave., Astana).

The ECAQA participated in the 1st International Conference on Nursing of the Republic of Kazakhstan that was held in Astana on June 22- 23, 2018.

The ECAQA participated in the 1st International Conference on Nursing of the Republic of Kazakhstan that was held in Astana on June 22- 23, 2018

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA), the Republic of Kazakhstan, and JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland, on 31 May 2018 in Almaty.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA), the Republic of Kazakhstan, and JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland, on 31 May 2018 in Almaty.

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