Published: 21 September 2022
According to the official letter ref. no. 01-187 of April 15, 2022 from the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education Under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is a special authorized body of state administration and implementation of state policy in quality assurance in education, the Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care has been authorized to conduct international accreditation of educational programmes in medical education of educational institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The State Inspectorate is a special authorised public administration body that implements state policy on quality assurance in education.
A Cooperation Agreement has been signed between the State Inspectorate, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and ECAQA, which ensures that the accreditation agency fulfils all obligations when carrying out accreditation of educational programmes.