Published: 21 September 2022
The Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care is a full member of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies (CEENQA) (
The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies
The Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) was founded on October 13, 2001 in Krakow, Poland, after a first meeting in Budapest, Hungary the year before. CEENQA was legally registered in Düsseldorf, Germany on July 4, 2011.
Currently, more than 30 agencies from 23 countries and one pan-European agency are members of the network. CEENQA itself is an affiliate of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
Accrediting agencies, which started to appear in Eastern Europe in the early 1990s of the 20th century, took the initiative of establishing the network. Each country solved management problems in its own way, but most of them came to the need to introduce accreditation procedures based on the US experience, adapting it to their requirements and conditions. Similarly, based on the US experience and with the support of university associations and educational governing bodies, accrediting agencies were established as relatively independent autonomous organisations to evaluate the quality of education. The subsequent establishment of a network of such agencies was justified by the need to share experience and information, to support each other in dealing with complex issues.
The network was originally established for quality assurance agencies representing Central and Eastern European countries, i.e. on a geographical basis. The network now considers it possible to grant membership rights to all agencies of the countries participating in the Bologna Process, as well as to the countries bordering the network's member states. CEENQA membership is based on the principle of voluntariness and support for its goals and objectives and should not, according to the participants of the meeting, limit the desire to cooperate in matters of quality assurance.
How does this benefit educational organisations:
Quality assurance of the institutional and programme accreditation procedure.